It's the later part of 2000's and 808 Skate rider Anton Glamb is out of high school and headed to study at Columbia University in New York CIty! He is also pursuing a career in the music industry. In this Da Cutty Tapes 07 Anton tries to get some last minute clips while still home in Hawaii for Chuck Mitsui's Its 808 video/film, gets a New Years Eve party popping at Next Door in Chinatown with the hit song "you give me a boner", then heads back to New York where Chuck meets up with him for a few weeks of raw NYC street skating Anton style! Always coming with that unique and hyper fourloko energy on and off the board! We got much love for Mr. Glamb, aka the Snake-anator!

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Da Cutty Tapes [Tape 7]


It's the later part of 2000's and 808 Skate rider Anton Glamb is out of high school and headed to study at Columbia University in New York CIty! He is also pursuing a career in the music industry. In this Da Cutty Tapes 07 Anton tries to get some last minute clips while still home in Hawaii for Chuck Mitsui's Its 808 video/film, gets a New Years Eve party popping at Next Door in Chinatown with the hit song "you give me a boner", then heads back to New York where Chuck meets up with him for a few weeks of raw NYC street skating Anton style! Always coming with that unique and hyper fourloko energy on and off the board! We got much love for Mr. Glamb, aka the Snake-anator!